I can’t put in words how grateful I am for Elina and her love and support for me on my fitness journey! Her program has truly changed my life and body. I came into Fitnello knowing little about weight lifting, macros, diet, etc and Elina walked with me through it all from start
to finish teaching me all I needed to know to be successful and see results.
Her discipline and work ethic is infectious and highly respectable. What I appreciate about Elina the most is she has never given up on me. I came into Fitnello at one of my lowest seasons in life and Elina took me in as family. She is a bombshell, creator, and truly in inspiring woman to work with!
– Julie

For me this challenge was really a challenge that dug deeper. Why lose weight? Why commit? What am I trying to get out of it? This challenge wasn't just to lose weight and look good for summer or a temporary thing.
For me it was to get healthy and to adapt this to a daily lifestyle not just for myself but for my husband as well. Proud to say he lost 18 pounds eating all the delicious food in Elinas recipe collection ( Highly recommend).
I did this challenge for myself to prove that if I want to make a difference in my health it's all
in my hands. Making me aware of what I am eating, how much my body is moving and exercising.
I can say with certainty that this is the best I have felt in awhile, with clean eating and exercising.
I am grateful for this challenge and I am excited to keep going to reach new goals and this was just a start to my fitness journey.
– Gloria

Excited to have finished another FITNELLO challenge! I know I will always see amazing results
and I have! On this challenge, I was able to gain 1.7 lbs of lean muscle! As well as lose 10.2 lbs
of fat with a total of 5.2% body fat lost! I’ve also lost 2.5in on my waist, 3 in on my belly, and 2in
on my hips.
I feel a lot more confident and happy with how I look! I’m going to continue to follow everything
I have learned in this challenge and continue working! If you want the total package in terms
of fitness plans, meal plans and team encouragement, and awesome feedback from your coach this is a challenge you should do!
– Lena

When I started following Elina on Instagram, I was at my worst, heaviest weight in my life.
I felt heavy and my self esteem was at the lowest. I watched her on Instagram for couple months before I decided to change my life and join her end of summer shape up challenge. Working with her changed my life and mindset forever.
Thanks to her, I overcame an unhealthy relationship with food, stress eating, and unhealthy lifestyle whatsoever. It’s been 2 months into coaching and I’ve lost 15 lb on scale and 8.2% of body fat. My energy level went up, my metabolism increased, and I’m much more happier with my inner self and body than ever before. During the last 2 months, it’s been a rollercoaster ride for me. Overcoming anxiety, stress, binge eating, unproductive lifestyle, procrastination, and learning to lead a healthy lifestyle had been a challenge for me. But I wouldn’t have done it without Elina’s help.
Her motivation, her support over emails, phone calls, and face to face talks helped me so much! Following her teachings and examples I learned to meal prep in advance and choose healthy food options at events or restaurants. Her strategy is easy to understand and follow. I’m so happy to have met this amazing woman, coach, role model, and personal mentor.
– Lena

When I started FITNELLO Challenge this year I was looking for how to gain muscle (look toned) and how to eat I was able to accomplish that, I feel better about myself I’m getting to where
I want to be and all of the nutritious food that I’m learning to cook along the way I’m happy with
my results I’m glad that I started this chapter with Fitnello my story is just the beginning.
This is my second time doing the Challenge not just because I like the support from these ladies because I would like to try to see how far I could go and see the difference in me. And so far I like the results. I'm proud of how my body changed and trust the process.
– Patricia

During the 8-Week Challenge, I lost 15 lbs of FAT, and 7% of BF. In inches, I lost 6 inches off my BELLY, 2 inches off my WAIST, 2 inches off my HIPS, and 1 inch off my THIGHS. I was shocked
at the results I’ve seen in ONLY 8 weeks.
The best part is I never felt hungry or deprived. I actually lost 7-8 lbs in 2 months simply by starting to workout 3-4x at FITNELLO STUDIO and applying little diet TIPS that Elina would share during class so in TOTAL I LOST 23 lbs since I joined FITNELLO in early March.
Initially, I was hesitant to JOIN the Summer Challenge because I thought it would be a typical strict DIET and TON of CARDIO. And to my great SUPRISE, it was a COMPLETE OPPOSITE!!!
I was just tired of these EXTREME temporary solutions I knew I needed a permanent LIFESTYLE CHANGE. My relationship with food and body image has always been fluctuant and wavering. Reading previous challenge participants’ testimonies and talking with Elina in person about this challenge I felt convinced that it might be exactly what I actually need.
My favorite part about this Challenge was Elina’s Recipe Book and Nutrition Guides. I fell in love with 1st PHORM protein bars THAT are sold at FITNELLO STUDIO, Protein Shakes, and FITNELLO’s Famous Shredded Chicken in a new profound way. The recipes were practical, easy, and extremely convenient. The accessibility for questions from coaches was unlike anything ever experienced, very personal and helpful.
Thank you both for believing in me, encouraging me, and helping me become the best version
of myself day in and day out.
– Diana

This challenge helped me not only physically but also mentally. My husband had a work injury in April and is still not recovered. Between hospital stays in Redding to review potential next course of action options with his surgical team and just follow ups and unexpected hospital stays I started to notice that my health was slipping.
Signing up for the challenge was overall a huge obstacle. Committing to something meant I had
to try, I had to show up and not just for myself. I couldn’t be more happy with my decision to try. Seeing the changes in my body have been so great! I really am proud of how hard I worked but am even more happy with choosing me. I made working out and following the meal plan a priority. I now know that one day or one meal might not kill me but it also won’t improve me. The goal is
to get better every day! For me, for my kids, for my husband.
I can’t thank you ladies enough for continually reading and responding to check ins and pushing me, gently. Encouraging me with each check in response and seeing me as a person and not just as a participant. I wasn’t looking to make excuses but I also didn’t feel as though when I had struggles I was expected to function on auto pilot like a robot. We are all real people facing different challenges and you guys saw that. Thank you so much! summer shred 23’ was SO great and I can’t thank you ladies enough.
– Sara

I decided to take this challenge to get in shape for my 37th birthday, as well as to look good
in a bikini this summer, but I did not expect to see the results I achieved with this challenge.
After losing 18lb of body fat I feel so much more confident in my body, my mood has improved
and I feel happier and healthier together!
It was easy to follow, Elina did an incredible job of providing you with all you need to succeed
in this challenge, so if you stick to the meal plan and workouts, you will see the results!
– Katia

I immediately fell in love with FITNELLO and its summer challenge. It has been a blessing
to have Elina and Angelina guiding me every step of the way. They have truly become my real family helping me reach my fitness goals.
I have walked away after each session feeling massively motivated. From learning a new exercise, to understanding how each movement benefits each muscle group, using
the correct form while training, and a great nutritional plan that has made a huge difference
in my fitness journey.
My starting goal was to gain muscle, improve my overall strength, and drop body fat by 5%.
I achieve that and more my body fat decreased by 7%.
Not everything was easy as there were times I had to make many sacrifices. I didn’t let anything get in the way I was extremely determined. Some words that will stick with me
by Elina, “this doesn’t serve me ” - these words were so powerful and always had them close
to my heart - kept me from saying “yes” to anything that didn’t serve me or my hard work.
I have never been so dedicated to a fitness plan like this one.
Today, I am thrilled with my results, and I am looking forward to pushing towards bigger goals over the next year. My instructors not only pushed me harder than I could have ever imagined I could go, but made sure every movement was controlled and focused. Their dynamic upper and lower body workouts have allowed me to increase muscle by 3.1% I feel stronger and much more confident than ever. If I can do it again I would in order to keep me accountable.
– Nieves

This year was very tough and busy, both physically and emotionally. When I was offered
this opportunity, I initially said no because I knew my mindset wasn't in the right place,
and I wouldn't be able to give it my best.
I struggled physically for over 9 months with heel/knee pain, which made me stop or do
very little physical activities, leading to bad choices and weight gain. But at the last minute,
I decided that I didn't know how long my pains would stay with me. If I didn’t change something, it would lead to more unhealthy choices. That’s when I decided to do it and
figure everything out along the way with the challenge.
I wasn't mentally prepared, but I still followed the plan and prepared all meals with me,
which made my vacation absolutely enjoyable and kept me on track.
Working out at Fitnello every time is an absolute blast. I love the variety in daily workouts
and the absolute fun group of girls and coaches. As for food, it was a blast because I am
an absolute baking food lover, and Elina's recipes allowed me to stay on track while enjoying healthy and delicious snacks and meals. Daily check-ins, scans, a supportive group of girls who share their own struggles help you stay on track, disciplined, and move forward when sometimes you feel like quitting. So I am very thankful to you for putting this amazing challenge together, for the time and work you put into it to help us all get the results we're looking for.
Thank you again for coming up with this absolutely amazing challenge, which helps girls change their bodies and minds ❤️
– Jenny

I joined 8-week Challenge and lost a total of 8 pounds. I’ve lost 3 inches off my waist, 3 inches off my belly, and 5 off my hips. Also, 6,5 % of body fat. I’m so happy with my results and now
I feel more healthier and confident.
So thankful to Elina and the other girls for always motivating and be there for me. My lifestyle has changed and I never want to come back to the old one. I would totally recommend FITNELLO to anyone who is looking for a healthier and stronger body.
– Kateryna